

Page history last edited by Akshay Surve 16 years, 8 months ago




Simply, we would like to see how it is to be an early riser. In our endeavour we shall list down what worked for us and what did not and how you could have a more pleasant time becoming an early riser.




Wikipedia is our guiding light. This is what it had to say with respect to waking up early:


Waking up early is a productivity method of rising early and consistently so as to be able to accomplish more during the day. This method has been recommended since antiquity and is presently recommended by a number of personal development gurus. Benjamin Franklin wrote a book entitled Early rising: Natural, Social and Religious Duty.


Within the context of religious observances, spiritual writers have called this practice "the heroic minute," referring to the sacrifice that this entails.


Personal development writers have noted that waking up early can be developed through practice and correct preparation.


Why? - Akshay

Read more here.


Why? - Barkha

Read more here.


Why? - Anil






Pledge (We shall...)

  • Try to wake up at 5:30am everyday for 42 times ( without excuses).
  • In all capture 30 sunrises without fail.
  • Share our endeavour with everyone.




Our Approach

  • Protocol: Follow a 3-way protocol for the first 7 days(?)  (As alarms don't/haven't workd for me :)
    • One who gets up on time calls the other, till the other cancels the call (req).
    • Now the other calls back (as ack). One who innitiated cancels the call.
    • Now the one who initiated gives a final call (ack) which is then cancelled by the other.
  • (add others here)


Akshay's Approach

  • Keep telling yourself that you *have* to get up, you have no other alternatives as you close your eyes to sleep.
  • Chose a bed which is not the _most comfortable_ alternative available,  I sleep on a floor mat.
  • Act dumb! Don't think when you hear the alarm clock, just get up.


Anil's Approach

  • Sleep early, ideal at 10 pm
  • If possible sleep on terrace (season dependent :-) )
  • Have something in mind to do in morning when you sleep, like checking emails.
  • When you wake up, don't think you are tired and need more sleep. Act dumb.
  • Turn on radio if possible. (I had bought a new radio few days ago and I just turn it on).


Barkha's Approach




(Things outside the scope of our project pledge)







Early morning activity (Needs to be a good reason and something specific)

Getting over my design block. Design  2  (one remaining, now) websites!

 This probably needs a blog entry or a separate page.

Learn things


Exceptions (Days you know you may miss the target. Ones not here would be considered as excuses ;)

5th May (All-nighter), 4th June

None.  (Yes, any missed day is an excuse)

21st May.


Project Failure condition (When would you say you failed in the project)

If I miss the target more than 12 times.

If I miss the target 15 times.

If I miss the tarkget more  than 12 times.


Anything else...

Thanks for stopping by. Leave a few words of encouragement below in comments. :)





Track our progress






1st May, 2008

Had set two alarms in an interval of 5 minutes.

Protocol worked perfect. It rained slightly in the morning near my place.

Captured some cool sunrise pics.

5:30 am. 

The alarm went off at 5:25, snoozed and slept on till Akshay called at 5:30.  Need to work on the sunrises.

6:20 AM

The first day. Had not set any alarm. :(


2nd May, 2008

(Anil joined us :)

Slept at 10:30pm. Didn't need an alarm to wake up ;) Captured the sunset and parrots from the terrace.


5:55 am. 

Slept with silent mode on. *sigh*

5:20 AM. 

had set alarm of 5.25AM, but got up 5 mins earlier :).



3rd May, 2008

Slept at 3:23am. Woke up when Anil gave a buzz. Mom woke up in a few mins to drink water and she lured me into sleeping for another 1 hour. I didn't give in to it. Feels good now :)

Captured the sunrise with mom.


5:25 am.

Slept at 1:30 am. Got up 5 mins earlier just to get a headstart and beat Akshay at the protocol. :D

Need to work on teh sunrises. Will find out places where I can capture them. Any idea fellow participants?

5:25 am,

Slept at 11:00pm. Got up at 5:25am by alarm call. Called Akshay. I also need to find the place to watch Sunrise. The large trees near my house don't allow me to watch it clearly from terrace. BTW experience of sunrise is too good too.


4th May, 2008

5:26am (G or R?)

Got up, freshned up, took a bath and went to sleep at 6:50am. LoL


Slept at 4:15 am, got up at 9:30. Did not feel the alarm go off, neither heard the protocol call. :(

5:25 am,

Woke up by alarm, did not watch sunrise but experienced it. 


5th May, 2008

Off-day since its been an all-nighter. Though, I did follow the protocol. Seems Barkha would again be having a RED day. :)


Slept at 2am. Too much partying this weekend. Won't last long, this. Yes, again, did not wake up after the protocol call.

5:27 am,

Woke up by alarm, did not watch sunrise but experienced it. Had slept between 7 to 7:30 again. But wokeup again. :)


6th May, 2008


Woke up on time. Gave the customary proto-calls to both before they could get at it :p.

4:28 am

Was up really early today. Got the protocol call before I could start it. Slept for a couple of hours at 7 though :P

Got call from Akshay at 5:25am, but could not wake up. (was feeling eye strain, might be because of Monday's throughout day work )


7th May, 2008


Received proto-calls this time ;)


Got up, felt sleepy. Had a difficult time keeping awake, but did not give in.

5:25 am
Woke up by Alarm. Did protocol calls. Experience cool sunrise.


- What do you do in the morning when you got up on time?

- Do you feel active/sleepy later in the day (after good 6 hours of sleep)

- What works for you?

- What isn't working for you?

- What can be improved from here on...? (suggestions)

- Share quick tips/tricks you found out in the course of last few days...

- What do you do in the morning when you got up on time?

(a) I have been working on my goal of coming up with 2 designs. One is done, next is up and will start working on it. Moving forward I would like to take up a everday activity I can do best in the morning

(b) I also say a BIG good morning to my mom when she gets up. Feels different and gr8. I have only got this opportunity before  when I would spend an all nighter :)


- Do you feel active/sleepy later in the day (after good 6 hours of sleep)

Active. Realizing I need only 6 hours of sleep. Anything more is a waste or probably being careless.


- What works for you?

(a) Telling myself that I have to get up and there is no way to escape just before I sleep.

(b) Not thinking too much once I hear either the alarm or the proto-call. Simply get up and not think much.

(c) Proto-call and my buddies. Its a strange pull when you have someone waking you up OR you decide that tomm. I shall wake him/her up :)


- What isn't working for you?

If I spend that extra second thinking, "Whether is it good for me to get up right now?" when I hear the alarm or proto-call. LoL. Strange but I feel its just a moment. If I don't think its a GREEN, if I do its a RED.


- What can be improved from here on...?

Find a good activity to do early morning. (suggestions any?)


- Share quick tips/tricks you found out in the course of last few days...

(a) Don't sleep on the most comfortable bed you can find. Atleast not when you are struggling to find your rythm, as we are.

(b) Don't think when you hear the alarm, just get up.

(c) Find urself a buddy/ buddies. It makes things a hell lot easier. Don't believe join us?


- What do you do in the morning when you got up on time?

(a) Go for a walk in the garden. Its good to walk barefoot when not many people are around.


- Do you feel active/sleepy later in the day (after good 6 hours of sleep)

Sleepy if I have rice in the afternoon, most of the times, which is not the case. I feel active, all day, especially mornings. A *lot* of work gets done before I hit lunch break.


- What works for you?

(a) The thought of waking up before dad and beating him at it. Have been successful very few times..

(b) Protocalls work if I sleep early. (early = 11ish)

(c) Cold, cold, water + brushing mechanically.


- What isn't working for you?

Spending nights working + getting up early in the mornings makes me go back to sleep right after I get up. Its hard to not excuse yourself. 


- What can be improved from here on...?

(a) Sleeping early, religiously. The lappy shall have to wait till the mornings.

(b) Made a list of things to be learnt during mornings. First starts off next week onwards - Driving.


-  Share quick tips/tricks you found out in the course of last few days...

(a) Sleep early, and sleep when you're really tired. A few hours of good sleep will get you through the next day.

(b) Protocalls do work. Magic! :)


- What do you do in the morning when you got up on time?

(a)  Initial days, I used to spend reading programming books, ebooks. I like listen to morning Radio songs. Somedays I spent time in reading newspapers. Moving forward I would like to utilize this time well. This time is resulting the most productive time for me.

- Do you feel active/sleepy later in the day (after good 6 hours of sleep).
Whenever I had woke up early, I never felt sleepy later in the day. Though I had less than 6 hours of sleep sometimes due to waking up early. I felt more energies those days than the days when I woke up late having more hours of sleep.


- What works for you?
(a) Simply getup, don't think ( Akshay does same)
(b) If I sleep early, I always woke up earlier than my alarm time.
(c) Proto-calls have always worked for me.
(d) Sleeping on terrace works for me.

- What isn't working for you?
(a) Sleeping very late naturally makes me to wake up late.
(b) I noticed that whenever I had worked more day before, I felt eye strain. Specially Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. That starts feeling of tiredness.
(c) As Akshay said, not thinking after you hear alarm, you have to wake up first before you start thinking anything else, else RED.

- What can be improved from here on...?
(a) Sleep early, manage time well and try to sleep early ASAP.
(b) I am eager to play with some Ruby/Rails stuff. I think mornings is very nice time for it.
(c) I want to wake up little earlier, around 4:30 am. This can be only possible if I sleep early.
(d) Find a nearby temple/place, where Yoga+meditation classes happens. Attend them.

 Share quick tips/tricks you found out in the course of last few days...

(a) Sleep early
(b) Have something in mind to do in morning when you sleep
(c) Turn on Radio.
(d) Act dumb, don't think when you hear alarm.
(e) Sleep on terrace or near window where you can notice early morning sky.


8th May, 2008 RED

6:10 am

Was really, really tired. The first time in 7 days that I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer before I hit the bed.

5:55 am
Had slept at 11pm. Woke up, turned on radio, listened to morning bhajan songs :). Read a Ruby ebook and tried some codes. Later spent time in reading news paper while drinking tea.
9th May, 2008


Suffering from cough/cold and heaviness in the head for the last couple of days. Have been receiving proto-calls. I am feeling good today and so I hope tomm. I am back with you both.


BTW: I took the liberty of marking Anil's block as RED. Being accountable to your buddies is what this is all about. I feel it should be RED. After all its a wiki anyone can challenge ;) Fair? 

5:44 am

Slept late, been working on something. Will post on the blog about it soon-ish ;)

5:25 am
Had woke up at 5:25 am, was awake for just 5 mins. woke up again at 6:00am. Slept again after 20 mins and woke up at 7:55am. Not good though.


(It is right that Akshay marked it RED :-) )

10th May, 2008


Late to bed, late to rise.


Tired, tired me.

7:46 am
Slept around 2ish.  Mobile phone with which I set alarm, was not with me. Woke up in morning when Sun stared scortching.  :-). Saw received Akky's sms to give him proto-call at 6am. :-)   

11th May 2008


A really exciting day to begin. Attended the Siddhivinay aarti (prayer) in the morning at 5:30am. Next up was meditation in a Tibetian temple from 6:15 to 7am. Final halt at Babulnath temple. Feels gr8! Wanna join next time?

5:40 am

Preparing for the day. Early-on.

8:00 pm

Slept late. Was watching a movie "Khuda Kay Liye". This time too, my mobile was not with me. So no alarm. It is clear that I need alarm to wake up. I am going for an alarm clock instead of mobile. 

12th May 2008

5:50 - 6:15am

Had heard the alarm earlier but don't remember what happened after I switched it off.


Green, considering we slept at 3ish.

Heard alarm at 5:25 am. Actually had woke up that time only. But was watching sky and listening Radio till 5:45 am.  Went down.
Not done much, but mother made nice tea for me. Feeling more energy.
13th May 2008


Heaviness in the head bcoz of cold.


Made a proto call. Fought hard against the urge to sleep again and won.    


Had slept at 12:30, wokeup easily.
Though it is Tuesday, not feeling any eyestrain or tiredness.

14th May 2008


Woke up when the sky was purple in color. One actually see to believe.


Observation: I feel better in the morning if I wind up my work (computer stuff) atleast 30 mins. (better if 45 mins) before I plan to sleep.


Barkha, gaali nahin diya. Kasamse ;)


5:25 am

Made a proto call, and picked up Akshay's call by mistake. Subah Subah gaali diya hoga :P

Heard alarm and proto-calls. Woke up. Felt tired today. But after 10-15 mins feeling normal. Had slept late. Now finding a good thing to do. Tea time.

15th May 2008 





Had woke up at 5:25am by alarm, was awake for 10 mins. But just thought to close eyes for 30 seconds and found that it was 7am when I again opened eyes. :(. Slept for half an hour more. Missed. :( 

16th May 2008  RED RED RED
Had to sleep late due to some family work. and another reason was I had not slept on terrace. It should be a really exceptional day. But keeping it RED. :-)
17th May 2008  RED RED RED
Don't know why but had heard alarm, and also stopped it, but could not wake up. I am feared seeing so much of RED days. I would definitely mark some days as exceptional whenever I know I have to sleep late. But target is definitely not to have such days. And where are you ppl?

The recent and the past REDs that I see are more because of not sleeping on time. For me I have only missed if I have slept after 1:30am. Do we see a pattern here?


Looks like we have cracked the bit of waking up early. We need to pull up our socks and crack the rest of it; sleeping on time. Any ideas how do we tackle it creatively. Throw your analysis in this space.



One simple question: Is it something which can only be done at night and not by getting up early? Most times the answer would be a clear 'NO, it can surely be done by getting up early.'


But on the other hand I cannot resist the temptation of going all out at night rather than waking up early and doing it. eg: SocialMedian design contest. Probaly its the same with Barkha and Anil at times.


What can be a work around?



Akshay: what do you do while you're awake late at nights? For me, I've been busy on something that will go onto my blog someday, and have been sleeping at 2 / 3 / 4 am each day. 

Before, I used to shut down the laptop at 11pm no matter what, and go read a book till I'm drowsy. That pattern is what got me the greens in the starting weeks. Will need to continue this after this wednesday / thursday.

Akshay you are right,  whenever I had slept early, I woke up easily. Also whenever I worked throughout day, I felt some strain and tiredness while waking up. We need to plan hard proactively for sleeping early. btw, we are doing good & should crack the rest of it.


Also found that, if you sleep late after hectic work schedule at office. It is simply impossible to wake up on time, unless you are not tired. In previous days I regularly came home before 10 - 10:30 pm just to sleep early. But sometimes it is unavoidable, you can't sleep early, have enough good sleep. I have marked such days as exceptional. 

19th May 2008  5:25am


Got up when received the proto call. But slept again, been working like a donkey past few days, hence the REDs.

Woke up at 5:30ish by Akshay's protocol, went out for sometime. Started working on a project, was working till 8:15am. Productive time. Btw I like having tea before 7am by mom. Felt similar energy after few days of RED. Do give me protocalls. I would do same in coming days.

20th May 2008  5:54 am 5:55am RED   
21st May 2008  5:38 am


Slept at 3:50, got up at 6:30. Had a plane
to catch this morning.

Exceptional was feeling feverish and eye strain too.  

22nd May 





Exceptional, came late home from office.  

23rd May




Got up, went for a walk, came  back at 6:30,
slept for half an hour and then woke up again.

Exceptional. Came late from office. (was not feeling well, heavy head too)  

24th May


6:16am RED Exceptional. Had office party last night. Came home around 2ish.   

25th May


REDSlept too late :| 6:30am Exceptional. Had office party last night. Came home around 2ish.   
26th May 2008 6:05 am


Got up, gave Akshay a proto-call.

Went for a walk, helped mom around.

Exceptional day   
27th May 2008 6:23am


Gave Akshay a proto-call, and received his reply almost an hour later :P 

Exceptional day   
28th May 2008 6am


Should have got up earlier to study for the test. Looks like I'll get a RED there too. X(

Exceptional day   
29th May 2008 RED 8:00am Exceptional day  
  • Still finding difficult to sleep on time :( Any ideas?
  • Though the target is 5:30am on some of the above days it wasn't feasible at all after sleeping late.
  • Found one more reason why this project is a success. I just received an email in my inbox asking why haven't you posted updates (and it wasn't from Barkha and Anil ;) lol)
  • Pull you socks as we need to go for the kill :) Are you ready?
  Today. Thursday 29, May 2008..... after the break I am ready for game again. I am marking previous days as exceptions, I could not sleep on time for those days. I am seeing past gone phases clearly. This time I will be more proactive about sleeping early. People be ready for proto-calls.  
30th May 2008 5:13am 5:55am


31st May 2008 5:45am


Called up Akshay at  5:40, and picked up the proto call - he was  sleepy and on his way to somewhere outside the city. He SMSed back after a while though. Appears he finally was awake at around 7 ;)
had decided to sleep some more at 7am. 
1st June 2008 3:00am 5:50am RED
had decided to sleep some more at 7am. 


Gaonwalon (Guys n Galz), do you want to continue?


- Akshay, I think, we have tried our best, I don't think any point to continue if as we such big gap in days. For me, whole changes in work schedule affected early rising. I can now manage my time more well than previous, even I wake up earlier than like I used to earlier. Overall very nice experience. I would definitely be one to take part in any next 42times project. We should have such forward. Btw Barkha what do you think?


- Barkha, has posted this exceptional blog post (http://barkha.in/blog/2008/06/04/a-social-experiment/) on her blog. I am also looking forward to hear from her here.  Anil, I see a point to continue if we all feel it may help up. Would be great if you could post your experience on your blog if time permits. I am sure it would be a good read for ourselves and everyone in general. I am also planning a similar post :)




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Comments (1)

Anil Wadghule said

at 3:19 pm on May 6, 2008

Where is the data?

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